Thank you so much for how you have surrounded us with your love and prayers! We are grateful beyond words for how you have walked with us on this journey! Many of you have expressed to us how Maggie Faith's life has impacted you and that you would like to celebrate her life with a gift. While we have no expectations of any of you in this regard, we would be delighted if you would honor those who so tenderly and compassionately cared for our sweet Maggie Faith and our family at Parkland's Neonatal ICU with a gift in Maggie Faith's memory, as a blessing to other families with critically ill babies under their care.
If you wish, you may make out a check to:
Parkland Foundation
2777 N. Stemmons Freeway
Suite 1700
Dallas, TX 75207
Please attach a note to your check indicating that you would like the funds to go to the Neonatal ICU in memory of Maggie Faith Olivo.
You can also donate online
here. Please use the drop down box to designate your gift for the Neonatal ICU, and you can include Maggie Faith's name in the tribute information.
Thank you for your desire to honor her life with a gift!
Grateful that we are not alone,
The Olivos
Layne, Amy Joy, Katy Jayne, Connor, JoJo and Maggie Faith