Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Journey of Faith

First, I want to again express our profound gratitude for your friendship and prayers! Knowing so many of you are praying for us is a true blessing!

Many of you are waiting for this post so that you know how to continue to pray for us and our little one because we were supposed to get the blood test results today. Unfortunately, the results were not available yet. Having to wait impresses upon me that this will be nothing if not a journey of faith. We pray that He will strengthen our faith (Luke 17:5) and help us in our unbelief (Mark 9:24). Will you pray with us as we wait that our little one would be healthy and that we would continue rest in His extravagant love for us?

With gratitude in my heart,
Amy Joy


  1. Amy Joy and Layne,
    I am praying with you and for you each morning.The Lord is a Lord of miracles as we place our trust in Him. Our community group all prayed for all of you and will continue to be here in whatever manner you need us. We missed you on Sunday, though. Keep your eyes looking upward. He is the source of PEACE.
    God bless and keep you all,

  2. You definitely have our prayers!

    The word of your testimony brings glory to our Lord, and I know that all of you will be blessed.
