Sunday, January 3, 2010


Thank you so much for your continued prayers. Many of you have expressed interest in how we are doing. Like most of you, we have been immersed in a good but intensely focused season of celebrating. In the midst of our celebrating, we’ve been having some good conversations that I’d like to share with you:

Connor (3) had a conversation with our baby girl when he came to snuggle with us on a particularly cold morning in early December. His little hands were like ice because in his world socks are optional. With a little prompting from Daddy, though he didn’t need much, Connor decided to say hi to the baby in mommy’s tummy with his ice cold hands; baby girl promptly “told” him “hands off” with a kick. He still laughs about the baby telling him his hands were too cold. What a treasure!

We also treasure a conversation Connor had with Jesus on the day after Thanksgiving. Layne’s parents bought us an early Christmas present and Connor asked why. Layne asked him whose birthday we celebrate on Christmas and why God sent Jesus to earth. Connor knew it was Jesus’ birthday we celebrate and that God sent Jesus to earth to die for his sins. Connor confesses Jesus is Lord and believes in his heart God raised Him from the dead so that he is saved. Please rejoice with us!

I love the conversations Layne has with our baby girl. She loves to move underneath his warm hands. Sometimes she “hides” so that he will play “hide and sneak,” as our kids call it, making him press on my belly until she kicks back. Such fun!

I enjoy the conversations that just she and I have usually late at night or early in the morning when everyone else is sleeping. When I finally sit or lay down, she wakes up ready to “talk.” She also lets me know when she particularly enjoys a meal I’ve enjoyed! The girl likes pie! I’m really enjoying our little girl.

We’ve also had a few conversations with our midwives in the last few weeks. In our last post, we expressed our desire not to chase after a diagnosis in such a way that our need to know our baby’s condition would inhibit us from actually enjoying each day we are given carrying our baby girl. Our midwives agreed that we could allow our pregnancy to “unfold,” meaning we didn’t have to have answers right away. What they’ve said all along but we are just understanding now is that while the testing probably won’t change the way they treat me, it might change the setting in which we deliver our baby. We’ve been praying that God would give us wisdom in the most judicious test to diagnose our baby’s condition. So in the next few weeks, we will be pursuing a fetal MRI, which should give us the best and most complete view of our baby girl. We are praying that the MRI would reveal without a doubt whether it’s safe to deliver at the birth center or whether we should transfer to an OB for a hospital birth. We’ll keep you posted about the scheduling of this test and the results. Please pray with us about this test. Pray that it would give us the wisdom we need to make the choice about where to best deliver our baby. Pray also that I would not be anxious. Right now for me ignorance is bliss; it’s what’s helping me truly enjoy this pregnancy. Pray that whatever the results my heart would choose to bless the Name of the Lord.

We’d love to have a conversation with YOU! You can comment on this or any other post on this blog by signing in. See that link in the upper right banner. Click on “sign in.” You’ll have to have a google account but most of you already have one so please don’t let that stop you. If you need to create a google account, just follow the instructions on the screen. Generally, all you need is a verifiable email address. We really would love to hear from you!


  1. I am excited you have decided to take this route Amy Joy! I have been praying so much for your family and precious little girl. I know, first hand, how easy it is to live in a bit of a dream world during a difficult pregnancy. But I think some more details might really help ease the decision of where to deliver. I would just hate for you to have regrets that you didn't do everything you could. I will pray for peace, not peace that comes from avoiding the facts, but peace that comes AMIDST the difficult realities, a peace only our Father can provide. I am always here if you need to talk or cry.

  2. You are very faithful people. We are definitely praying for you all to have the wisdom, comfort, love and strength that will help you through times of opposition. Your blog is inspiring. Thanks for putting your thoughts down for loved ones to read.
